In this section you control “Live” streaming sessions on your radio. By creating different Djs you allow your hosts to connect remotely to your station from their broadcasting stations and go live. Unlike standard Shoutcast/Icecast setup when there is only one shared connection password and a port, our software allows you to have several different Djs, each with his own connection credentials. DJs are also can be sorted by priority - this way if several DJs are connected simultaneously - a DJ with the highest priority will go on air.
You can drag & drop DJ in this section list to change the priority. Auto DJ has a lowers priority meaning that it will play when nobody else is connected.
“Add DJ” button allows you to create a new DJ, you need to fill in the following:
Image - is your DJ’s avatar.
Name - any name that makes sense for you (free text)
Active - uncheck the checkbox if you temporary want to revoke DJ access to the station
Password - is a connection password that DJ will enter into his broadcasting software.
Click “Add DJ” again and you will see your new DJ added to the list. The software will automatically select appropriate broadcasting port for the DJ and you can see it in the list.
Click on “Edit” next to the DJ in the list and you can change any details and also will see connection instructions for the most common broadcasting software.
When DJ connects to the server and goes live - you will see “Connected” and “On air” column values changed to “Yes”, - this means DJ has connected successfully and you can hear him on the stream.
Auto DJ in the list has also a special “Next track” button you can use to skip the current track and switch to the next one.
When DJs change each other - they switch smoothly with a crossfade. You can fine tune crossfade length and mode in “Settings”.