Bilgi Bankası

Player Background

This utility lets you choose a background for the streaming player. You can either select a predefined background image from the Gallery or upload the desired image from the system and use it as a background of the streaming player.

To use background image:

  1. From the Left Pane, click Utilities to expand it.
    The list of the utilities display.


  2. Click Player Background.
    The Player Background section displays.

  3. Under Choose from the gallery, check the desired image you want to use as a background.


    Under Upload your own background, choose any desired image from the system by clicking Choose File.

    NOTE: When uploading a background image, its resolution must be at least (1920 * 1080) or higher.

    NOTE: The following image types are allowed to be uploaded as a background: jpeg, png, jpg. The size of the uploading image must not be greater than 2MB.


After choosing the desired image as a background, click Update.

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